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Procedure manual template free download

Procedure manual template free download

Free Procedure Manual Template | Download Yours Now,100,000+ Ready-Made Designs, Docs & Templates to Start, Run and Grow your Business

The procedure template is comprehensive, easy to customize, and easy to edit. Internal Policy & Procedure Template Details File Format WORD Size: KB Download The Procedure Manual Template The procedure manual template is a professional document which provides the instructions and directions to enhance working performance of business DOWNLOAD THE TEMPLATES NOW. Templates Business Professional manual Professional manual Use this professional manual template to create a user's manual, work instructions, 16/04/ · ‌ Download Construction Policy and Procedure Template - Word One of the key aims of construction policies and procedures is to ensure worksite safety. Construction This document will outline the basics that need to be included in your manual. Along with this, the template is completely customization, so you can change, add, or remove items that you want ... read more

What Is a Procedure? What Is a Process? What Separates Policies and Procedures? How to Write Effective Policies and Procedures Policies and procedures can take a long time to develop and perfect, but you can expedite the experience by following a few developmental and structural steps. Here are the major steps for writing effective policies and procedures: Preparing to Write: You can make your policy and procedure-writing process more efficient by treating the activity as a project and ensuring you get management support. That way, time and resources will be available to you.

Because policies and procedures often involve legal and regulatory consequences, consider having documents reviewed by legal counsel. Having a clear understanding of why a policy is necessary is also vital to keeping the project focused. Choosing an appropriate template for your field or industry will help you gain a better understanding of what content you need to add, and can also relieve you of the need to design a template. Moreover, if your organization has the means, a document management and tracking system can help you track revisions and publish the document in a place that is accessible to those who need it. Writing Your Documents: To write your documents, begin by reading current policies and procedures, if any exist. Also, review any compliance or regulatory guidelines that apply. Consulting employees on the creation of documentation is one of the best methods for ensuring their interest in and use of procedures. After you draft the document, verify its accuracy by walking through the steps.

Have those affected by the document evaluate the document. Finally, get approval for and sign off on the document from the highest level of management you can, such as a CTO or CEO. Implementing Policies and Procedures: To encourage the success of a document, plan its implementation. Publish the document in one central location, such as on a company website. Employees should sign off when they have read the document. Create a training plan to support the new policies and procedures. Then, establish a review cycle so that new regulations and practices can be incorporated into your documents to keep them relevant.

Language and Tone Use language and tone appropriate to your audience. Consider these tips: Use terms and definitions consistently. Explain acronyms. Use plain language rather than jargon. If you must use jargon, explain it. Use inclusive and gender-neutral language. Provide general information where possible. For example, provide a general departmental phone number, rather than the mobile phone number or office number of an individual who may change jobs. Be clear about required actions versus optional actions by choosing the correct words. The words must and will indicate compulsory actions. The word may suggests an optional action.

Write in short sentences with plain words. Write in active voice rather than passive voice when possible. Tips for Readable Policy and Procedure Templates If your documents are easy to find and read, users will be more inclined to read and reference them. Consider the following structural tips for your policies and procedures: Linking: Hyperlinks to external reference documents and internal sections make it easier for users to find documents. Naming Documents: Use clear and consistent names for documents. Headings, Numbers, and Bullets: Especially for long documents, consider using clear, short subheadings to describe the topic, using numbering sections and paragraphs, and using bulleted lists. In general, limit subdivisions to three levels. Resources to Help You Create Policies and Procedures Your company may publish policy and procedure templates on the company website, which can help reduce the need to consider design and formatting, and provide hints about content to include.

Types of Content in Policies and Procedures Templates Depending on your industry, certain content may be mandatory in policies and procedures. Purpose: This explains what the policy is about and the reason for having the policy, such as how it promotes compliance with standards or regulations. Policy Statements: Describe the overall framework for the policy and its intent. Definitions: Define terms in your policy, especially words and phrases with multiple meanings. Definitions make policies clearer and can be important if the organization ever faces litigation. Table of Contents: Whether your document is published online, made into a PDF, or printed, a table of contents aids users in quickly finding information. Hyperlinked tables of contents are a helpful feature of electronic documents. Policy and Procedures: Details of the policy and procedures may be included in one document.

The Safeguarding Customer Information Policy and Procedure template outlines the behavioral expectations of employees when dealing with the customer. This policy also includes the requirements for data leakage prevention and protects restricted, confidential, and sensitive customer data. A policy in an organization is a clearly defined, easy-to-understand statement that directs how the organization operates. They are guiding rules that every staff member should follow when delivering their assigned responsibilities. Policies are regulations that govern process delivery in the organization. Policies offer a structure for consistency and also ensure compliance with organizational values and goals as well as regulations and standards. Meanwhile, as the name implies, the procedure describes how policies should be implemented. Procedures are step-by-step instructional statements that explain how an employee should complete a task or job.

That said, the procedures document created to achieve a particular task can change over time as new tools, new processes, and new policies emerge. Usually, procedures are performed by employees and describe who should perform specific activities and how to complete a task. Many companies have paid fines and faced unnecessary lawsuits because they lack these simple documents. For regulatory requirements, every business must have the policies and procedure documents. This is important because it provides information that gears effective corporate compliance and requires every department to adopt the best practices to work.

Sometimes, biases are expected in human nature. The policy and procedure documents are reasonable to ensure that employees stay on track and deliver on the agreed terms. It is a mechanism to hold them accountable. The policy and procedure documents are also perfect for identifying gaps in the work process and organizational transactions. It helps to figure our compliance level and allows the audit team to ascertain if the organization is steering in the right direction or not. The policy and procedure document also helps the organizations to build a more robust work culture.

When each employee knows the work procedures and the policies guiding each of his tasks, it becomes easier to add ethical values to the organization and interact with other colleagues better. A good policy and procedure document should be written in simple and straightforward language that any employee, even a new hire, can understand. The procedure document should be well-laid out and indicate how the steps in the policy document should be delivered. That said, a procedure document must be written in a style that stirs usability. As such, it must be action-oriented, grammatically correct, and consistent. A good procedure must have the following:.

There are main steps to walk through when developing the document. Before delving into writing a policy and procedure document, here are some things you have to do:. You must discuss it first with those carrying it out. It becomes easier for employees to follow a procedure when they see that their contribution is being acknowledged in the final document. During your discourse with users, ensure that you clearly understand how the procedure is currently done and how the users think it should be better done. If the procedure transcends between departments, make sure that everyone is in that discussion. And to avoid the users nudging you, sketch out the procedure based on your understanding before meeting with the users.

This process will shape your understanding through flipped learning. Before you begin writing, ensure that you picture your understanding of the users and leverage that to write for them. Start with an interesting introduction that will likely keep the users reading. Know the gap you want to fill by creating the procedure. Answer the question as appropriate and remember to include tools, passwords, keycodes, technology, physical items such as pen, paper, and anything else that might be required. Combine your knowledge, experience in the field, and the notes you took from your meeting with the users, then explain each process in a list. Break complex procedures into simple tasks where each item stands as a single detailed and clear instruction.

Adding other types of media to your procedure will let you explain the concept properly and keep the readers glued to the content. So instead of writing pages full of texts, you can put a page of text into a second multimedia format that paints the situation rather than texts. Adding supporting documents, such as videos, images, audio notes, or forms that need to be completed, will make the content sticky to the readers, and they will follow each procedure to the letter. For those knowledge-thirsty users who always want to do a deep dive, consider including links to relevant resources to improve their skills.

Check that the procedure solves the problem you created it for. Look through it to make sure everything is correct. This will help you save time as it will be less likely that anyone will spot errors. Testing your procedure in a controlled environment does two things. First, it helps you check that, once more, all the steps are correctly captured. Second, it points out whether the procedure needs some rework instead of forcing people to adopt it. Using all the key performance indices, examine the inputs, outputs, and goals, then ensure that the right mix will produce the required success. After your test, you should know if your procedure needs improvement or not. Whichever way, ensure that you do whatever is necessary and test again before you deploy the procedure. Ensure that all the users stick to the procedure, and every challenge is carefully worked on as they surface. With constant use and adaptation, practice makes perfect. Make sure that the policy and procedure number and page number appear on all subsequent pages; the footer of each page should repeat the issuing date and the policy.

You should also let your policy and procedure have a title to avoid mix-up. From the introduction, every user should know what the policy will do. There should be a concise statement that explains the purpose of the policy. Mention who the policy and procedure apply to and the consequences for non-compliance, if applicable. The policy and procedure document should have a help contact that anyone can reach should they need help to understand the policy and procedure document. This is the highest body authorizing the policy and procedure. You could possibly include the date for the next required review date. By giving these resources, you have identified with the curious users to learn more. Aside from crafting the policy and procedure document to communicate your vision carefully and explicitly, a good policy and procedure template must:.

Every defined step in the policy and procedure template should exist for the sole purpose of achieving the aim. Your policy and procedure must be made available and accessible to the users and those who have the authority. It could be kept in the filing cabinet, binder, or online. As you upgrade your machine or any other part of your working process, it is important to update your policy and procedure document so that it stays current at all times. That means you should create your policy and procedure document with the flexibility to accommodate new and emerging decisions. A good policy and procedure document must also be actionable. It should represent a consistent and logical framework to implement a particular task.

It should be easily adaptable and useful for the targeted user. Instead, use the position. Use words that the document user will understand but ensure that you maintain compliance with the law. They are different types of documents that work together to guide your employee on their responsibilities. Different organizations can benefit from a policy and procedure template irrespective of what the company does, the size, and worth. A policy and procedure document always guides the work process and ensures quality delivery. Formatting your policy and procedure document entails the way the document is laid out on the page, the way it looks, and visually appeals to the user. Formatting always addresses things like font selection, font size and presentation like bold or italics , spacing, margins, alignment, columns, indentation, and lists. The visual appeal of your policy and procedure document will affect the reader and how they digest the information.

The information will be more accessible to the user by creating and labeling sections headings , highlighting keywords or ideas bold, italics, or lists , and making a good impression professional look and feel, appropriate font choice for the document type. The right way to format a policy and procedure document is to ensure that you leave a lot of white space. This will make information easy to locate and psychologically affords the user with ease of assimilation. It is also important that you use a flexible, modular outline as this will make the document seamless to modify for new updates. And your use of labels while introducing key points should be consistent across the entire document. That said, ensure that you carefully spell out your use of acronyms to avoid ambiguity. Also, make sure that your use of words is not too technical—it should be simple enough for a new employee to understand. However, policy, procedure, and process differ greatly in many ways.

The table below summarizes it. If you have repetitive tasks and want to ensure that each member of your team performs them diligently, you can document the procedure for completing each of these tasks using SweetProcess. For example, Forensic Analytical Consulting Services was using PDF files to document SOPs. This was difficult for the company to manage, and the team members kept bombarding the director of operations whenever they had any questions. By documenting their procedures with SweetProcess, they were able to solve this dependency issue. Now, team members no longer have to contact the director of operations before finding the specific information they need. This ensures that everyone in your organization is on the same page and the templates you have created are implemented as needed. Created in , the International Organization for Standardization published the ISO standards which were based on publications of government procurement standards that go way back to Remember then?

Neither do I…. If you wanted to win government contracts, it was required for your organization to achieve standards and this still applies today in many countries. If you want to win government contracts for your business, then you need to look further into ISO and get your business ready for certification to meet these requirements. You can plan for it later. It will overwhelm you and cost you about 10 to 15 K…. A decent chunk of cash. If you are a small business, then meeting ISO requirements is likely not something you can investigate in the short to medium term.

You really should just focus on getting your current procedures and policies sorted out to operate your business first and then down the track you can consider the requirements to meet the International Standards as your business grows. When building your business, you will be documenting your QMS or Quality Manual System. Having some basic understanding of terminology will help you when you build your system. There is a lot to learn, however if you are a small to medium business, the best thing you can do is keep things simple to start with. Think about the team you have and explaining how to perform a task to them on paper. The biggest hurdle is time. It takes a massive amount of effort to document your procedures and processes.

A great way to speed it up is to ask your team to help you develop policies and procedures. They will then be part of building the business and it will also keep them very busy. There are a lot of different types of procedure manual templates available online. We have looked at several websites that are ranking best in Google. Check out the top results below. This may vary depending on your location. You can see there are 56 million results. That is a huge amount….. it will take a while to get through them all. Process St, Sample Templates.

com and Template. net are dominating the top results at time of writing this post. These results do provide some free options for you, so it is worthwhile checking out their sites. The types of procedure manuals available online vary widely. There are dramatic differences between simple procedure manuals and manuals that are complex. If you look at some of the procedure manuals online, the complex templates can be very difficult to use. Sometimes it is often better to keep it simple. A simple Google search will identify a range of options for free procedure manuals and templates that you can modify to suit your business. The other notable aspect is there is way too much information online and it is easy to become overwhelmed very quickly.

So, revert back to basics and start a simple MS Word procedure manual as you will be able to get this up and running relatively quickly. After-all, that is what the internet is about yeah? Free stuff…. well sort of :. Well we have searched high and low on the internet to see if we could find some decent free procedure templates. We found lots and lots of options — almost too many options and got swamped with information overload…. We also found a number of automated websites that will create procedures, processes and all the jing-a-ling for you. Some of these websites require you to pay to get the full premium versions. If you are just starting out, it is good to keep things free as you want to watch your bottom line, so there is nothing wrong with starting from scratch and creating a procedure manual from any of the options below. Well number one on the list is our template from Digital Documents Direct. We have a free version and a paid version. If you are looking for something that has a lot of detailed already completed in it that is generic and suitable for nearly any type of business then take a look at our paid version.

Scroll down further as it is available further down the page. The Bizmanualz website has a free templates available. Check them out and see if there is anything that suits your business. We reviewed their website to see if there were any options that you could download for free that are useful. You need to sign up to their mailing list to get access to their free documents. Once you have signed up — there are options for choosing free samples from several areas of their website which is helpful. Money-Saving Bundles, Department Manuals, and Sector Manuals — so go ahead and check out what they have. Process St Process St provide a range of free templates. If you dig into their website there are many options available.

You can read more at their website: Process St. net Another good resource for finding free templates. There are plenty of things to look at on this website. Lots of ads too. It looks like this website is related to TemplateLab, and SampleTemplates. I could be wrong however they look very similar. Still, there are plenty of templates to choose from and you can spend a ton of time looking through the templates to find something that suits you. com Another good resource for finding free templates is sampletemplates. Sample templates has so much stuff and continually adding more. This site looks very similar to TemplateLab with a lot of the templates taken from businesses around the world. This is very helpful to see how others have done it, but can make it difficult to actually get your document completed due to the massive amount of information that can become overwhelming. com Converge Point is another great resource for finding free templates.

Plenty of information on this site and very professional. Integration with Sharepoint is also an option. If you visit their resources area there is plenty of information to consider there. You could be there a while…. com TemplateLab has tons of options to look through. Their website also has tons of ads you may find your first visit a bit confusing. There are plenty of templates available, however by the looks of it, the majority of the templates are simply taken from organizations around the world. It will take you a while to go through them all and find something relevant to what you need. com Lots to look at here. com Microsoft has basic templates you can download. Their options are presented well and include a range of free choices. However, you may find the content is a bit thin and you might need to add a lot of your own information to make it worthwhile. com Smartsheet is very professional and includes a range of templates for just about anything. A lot of the templates are a bit light on detail, however there are tons to choose from.

You may find it hard to find something specific though for your business. There are of course premium options available as well which you might want to consider. com Good resources available at this website. Finding a simple free company policies and procedures template online can take considerable effort.

Featured Bonus Content: Download the 53 FREE Policy and Procedure Templates! Click Here To Download It. Every business that does its activities without a clear pathway will struggle to grow. In this guide, I will share the 53 free policy and procedure templates that you can seamlessly adapt to create these documents from the ground up to the implementation. They are presented by industries and categories for easy scan and identification. Below are the 53 free policy and procedure templates that you can use in your company. The general office policy and procedure document are documents ranging from human resources, business and workplace administration, regulations, employee welfare, etc.

These documents guide the hiring process , employee communication, customer interaction, and service delivery, etc. Below are some templates in this section:. Click here to download the Code of Conduct Policy and Procedure Template. The employee code of conduct template will help you to communicate your expectations to your employees clearly and tactfully. It presents to your employee the responsibilities and roles required of them to play and how you want them to deliver it on their respective tasks. Click here to download the Recruitment Policy and Procedure Template. This Employee Recruitment and Selection Policy template will help you to create a tailored process for setting up your recruiting policies.

It will guide you to understand what to put in place and why you should make them available to attract the right talents and make plans for their long-term stay at your company. Click here to download the Internet and Email Policy and Procedure Template. This template will help you create the internet and email policy from the ground up, and you can also add a section for Bring Your Own Device BYOD policy that will cover the use of personal devices and the extent of permission they get to connect with the information systems. Click here to download the Mobile Phone Policy and Procedure Template. Have you witnessed a customer service agent telling a customer to hold on all because he wants to make a call on his personal phone? This mobile phone policy and procedure template will show your employers how personal phones should be used during work hours.

It includes the type of device you should use to make or receive phone calls, leave messages, send text messages, etc. Also, it will specifically mention when personal calls should be done in dire need. This policy is also referred to as a no-mobile-phones-at-work policy. Click here to download the Non-smoking Policy and Procedure Template. The Non-smoking Policy and Procedure template aims to protect all staff members—both smokers and non-smokers, and company visitors or customers. It also ensures that everyone is kept abreast of the harmful effects of tobacco smoke and that everyone understands their rights and responsibilities as it complies with the organizational policies of employee welfare.

Click here to download the Drug and Alcohol Policy and Procedure Template. The purpose of this policy is to provide clear guidelines to employees and managers on substance management in the workplace so that you maintain a safe workplace where all employees are treated fairly and with respect. This template gives you a direction you can follow when creating one for your company. Click here to download the Health and Safety Policy and Procedure Template. The Health and Safety Policy and Procedure document integrates workplace health and safety into all aspects of your company operations. This includes tactics for identifying hazards, assessing risk, and implementing control strategies. The goal is to minimize the risk of injury to people and property and ensure that relevant health and safety laws that apply to working conditions and the work environment are observed and enforced. Click here to download the Anti-discrimination and Harassment Policy and Procedure Template.

This Anti-discrimination and Harassment Policy and Procedure document imposes on every company and its employers to respect the differences, i. Click here to download the Grievance Handling Policy and Procedure Template. This Grievance Policy and Procedure document highlights how employees can constructively voice their complaints. It also shows C-suite executives and supervisors how to identify every instance that annoys employees or could prevent a proper workflow so that a resolution can be made as fast as possible. It creates room for employees to communicate their grievances so that they can create a supportive and pleasant workplace. Click here to download the Discipline and Termination Policy and Procedure Template. Employee termination is an uncomfortable situation to deal with. This policy and procedure document sets out to regulate and provide directions on how disciplinary measures are carried out and employee termination is done. It covers each step of the discipline and termination process.

Click here to download the Social Media Policy and Procedure Template. Every employee is an ambassador of the organization. So what you say or do on social media must align with the principles and values of the organization. This includes how you write content on different channels such as blogs, wikis, microblogs, message boards, chat rooms, electronic newsletters, online forums, social networking sites, etc. Click here to download the Contractors Policy and Procedure Template. Also, it identifies where they can visit in the organization and the out-of-normal-hours communications they are allowed to make.

Click here to download the Information and Data Privacy Policy and Procedure Template. This company data protection policy and procedure template provides you with the guidelines to secure data that is critical to your businesses. Also, it provides the steps you need to do this from the areas of the users by drafting a clear and concise privacy policy agreement. Click here to download the Quality Nominee Policy and Procedure Template. Quality assurance is important for all businesses. Many smart businesses thrive because their customers are well aware of the quality products they produce. This is a quality nominee policy and procedure document that you use to create a roadmap for growing your consumer base. Click here to download the ICT Facilities Use Policy and Procedure Template. Click here to download the Fiscal Policy and Procedure Template. It is financial information that clarifies the roles, authority, and responsibilities of your company and employees in their handling of essential financial management tasks and activities.

Click here to download the Employee Health Policy and Procedure Template. It also includes the type of health package, the number of days an employee can take for sick leave, and the benefits entitled to an employee with chronic ailments, etc. Click here to download the Office Maintenance Policy and Procedure Template. The office maintenance policy and procedure document comprises the administrative operations of maintaining the workplace. This template coordinates each maintenance program and reveals how it liaises with other departments. It also involves the procurements and maintenance of all the real property, production equipment, utility services, communication services, and other assets that are present in the office.

Click here to download the Shared Governance Policy and Procedure Template. The Shared Governance Policy and Procedure template consists of the basic rules that govern the specific internal affairs of the organization. It entails the team that provides governance that is shared between multiple business units or functions. It also includes the corporate charter that identifies with the affairs of decision-making through a democratic process. Click here to download the Return to Work Policy and Procedure Template. Within or outside the workplace, accidents can happen. This unplanned event disrupts normal work activities. The Return to Work Policy and Procedure template highlights how accidents are reported, the medical procedure that it passes through, and how the emergency responses are followed.

Click here to download the Electronic Communication Policy and Procedure Template. The Electronic Communication Policy and Procedure template emphasizes the responsible use of electronic tools. Click here to download the Incident Management Policy and Procedure Template. The Incident Management Policy and Procedure template guides actions that enable the response to a major incident or disaster. It achieves this by implementing a plan to restore the critical business functions of the organization when the incident happens. It is like a plan B document that works during process emergencies.

Click here to download the Social Networking and Social Media Policy and Procedure Template. The Social Networking or Social Media Policy and Procedure template ensures that some level of specific risks is considered before posting, and excellent response management is in place should your audience post derailing comments. Click here to download the Fixed Asset Policy and Procedure Template. It provides a solid and complete asset management strategy that points employees and employers in the right direction when making decisions about assets. Click here to download the Product Management Policy and Procedure Template. The Product Management Policy and Procedure template helps you fill the missing link between the product ideation, user story, product design, development, implementation, and testing. It creates a synergy between the data, design, and software development departments to ensure that products are well designed, produced, delivered, and supported for organization quality and customer satisfaction.

Click here to download the Market Research Policy and Procedure Template. It captures the research commencement date, the timeline, budget, methodology, process, and the desired outcomes from the project. It also doubles as a tool for receiving quicker sign-off from management when embarking on a new venture. Click here to download the Customer Service Policy and Procedure Template. The Customer Service Policy and Procedure template helps you deliver excellent services to your customers. It includes the etiquette and processes that the customer services representative of a business or company must follow while dealing with customers to resolve their queries. Click here to download the Customer Satisfaction Survey Policy and Procedure Template. The Customer Satisfaction Survey Policy and Procedure template helps you gather data to inform the direction of decision-making in your business. It also helps you to know what customers think about your business so that you tweak your system to improve satisfaction and overall performance.

Click here to download the Product Development Policy and Procedure Template. This is crucial for adequate planning and to ensure that controls are established, implemented, and maintained during the design phase to optimize quality, effectiveness, safety, and customer satisfaction before manufacturing the new products. Click here to download the Product Shipping Policy and Procedure Template. The Product Shipping Policy and Procedure template outlines the important information around shipping products when an order is placed online.

Free Policy and Procedure Templates: Simple Steps to Easier Documentation,Sample Policy and Procedure Templates

DOWNLOAD THE TEMPLATES NOW. Templates Business Professional manual Professional manual Use this professional manual template to create a user's manual, work instructions, The procedure template is comprehensive, easy to customize, and easy to edit. Internal Policy & Procedure Template Details File Format WORD Size: KB Download The Well, if not, below is a guideline with several steps on how to create an instruction manual template in Microsoft Word: Step 1 Under Microsoft Word, click on the File tab and choose This document will outline the basics that need to be included in your manual. Along with this, the template is completely customization, so you can change, add, or remove items that you want Download our free and premium templates for useful guidance and to make work much easier. Our professionally designed templates are guaranteed to make you draft an effective Procedure Manual Template The procedure manual template is a professional document which provides the instructions and directions to enhance working performance of business ... read more

Kid professionals coloring book. Write in short sentences with plain words. A recipe for disaster! For legal questions, you can include a contact email with the policy and procedure templates you post online. The Information Security Policy and Procedure template outlines the requirements around which encryption algorithms define the acceptable use of equipment and computing services that the organization subscribes to.

That said, ensure that you carefully spell out your use of acronyms to avoid ambiguity. Your organization may also specify references to keep tone and language accessible and inclusive as well as clear, correct, and concise. Easily transform this manual into a company training manual template, or work instruction template, procedure manual template free download. Fax covers. Check it out below. Thanks for the free template.

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