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Mass effect 3 save file download

Mass effect 3 save file download

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Mass Effect 3 Save Files - Google Drive. Name. Files. Mass Effect  · You can download an ME2 save that's similar to your original save (in my case, a Paragon FemShep who romanced Garrus in 2) and edit it with an ME2 editor (had to change  · Download Name: Mass Effect 3: Save Game. Category: PC Gaming PC Game Saves. Submitted By: Sean. Date Added: Mon. Mar 08, File Size: KB. File Type:  · Total Download Views: ,, Total Files Served: Modded Mass Effect 3 Save. Download Name: Modded Mass Effect 3 Save. Category: Xbox Xbox  · This is the last known version of the Gibbed Mass Effect 3 Save Editor (RB). This was my own personal edited copy. I spent countless hours going over the plot IDs from ME1 to ME3 correcting inaccuracies, adding new IDs from multiple sources, and added notes and useful configurations that I used most with playing on both console and PC ... read more

Remove Shared Power Cooldown When you use a power, only that power will go on cooldown. Reapers' Detection Sensitivity and Chase Speeds Makes it so they don't find or catch you as quickly. Unlock Every Weapon Tired of waiting until the end of the game to get that cool weapon? Skip conversations without accidentally choosing responses bioinput. When you get control of Shepard, hit the F11 key. This should last until you exit the game. SFXCameraMode FOV " to a value between This is the only method that won't screw up the game's cutscenes. You can also add other lines with other hotkeys and FOVs. Speed of the Planet Scan Reticle When you're scanning a planet and you want to not move the mouse so much. Actually, it's not really necesary if you have all the DLC installed.

Note that this will only work for new games, or for assets you have yet to acquire. Rather than change all of them there are a lot , just pick one you know you'll acquire and change it to To negate the Galactic Readiness penalty, for example, you can double all the values. Normally, you have to visit a store on the Citadel in order to have access to it on the Normandy, and you have to complete a certain Priority Mission to unlock one of the Bonus Powers in Med-Bay. You'll still need to get to that point in the plot where you're allowed access, though. Stores : bioui. Improve Normandy's Fuel Efficiency Use less fuel per parsec or eliminate it entirely.

When you buy upgrades in game, the max number will increas accordingly. Infinite Ammo Makes it so you essentially have an unlimited number of clips. I understand much that understanding is not understanding so please understand not to understand, but to understand much when we must all understand please. olliebalollie 10 years ago 5. So i'm guessing the cheating in ME3 is the same as in ME2 using Coalesced? Jorum 10 years ago 6. Anyone found the no clip for keybinding? I keep getting stuck after a cut scene on Mars and can't move. XxDragoonxX 10 years ago 7. Figured out how to max credits in game. Definitely works for single player, not even going to try it for multiplayer. I found that if I didn't create a new line after entering the command, or hit enter after doing so, it wouldn't save it. After that, once you save your Coalesced make a back-up first , you should be able to open the game and hit 0 on your numpad to get 9,, credits.

You could also throw in other commands, such as "God", "initammo " or whatever else. Reputation scores may not be the same any more because of the change to how that system works. Enjoy messing with the Coalesced! XxDragoonxX posted Would this work with squad points? I'm using the same code line but I can't seem to find the right word combo. I tried power points, progress points, squad points. Any ideas? AsanteRevell 10 years ago 9. i used cheat engine to change it but shepard's skills always reverts to all not selected after a load but the teammates can be successfully changed.

Skeet 10 years ago How do I make a new line? Also, do I need a new line after every command? More Topics from this Board. Can somebody give me tips for Insanity? Hmm, I should play Mass Effect 3 this year. Equipment included in Expanded Galaxy Mod. Thermal Clips. I can't hear anybody's mic on PC Online. Mordin Solus Loyalty mission: which decision is the best? Importing Save files from ME2? Tech Support. Kaidan Missing?? Is There a General Time Limit In Game?

Ryan Somma. This article will concisely explain what you need in order to get the perfect ending with the secret final scene in Mass Effect 3. This article will also clear up most of the confusion in regards to "Galactic Readiness" and the importance of multiplayer in the game. It also includes a section to help you quickly alter your EMS score in order to unlock all endings through a save game editor. Finally, it will provide a quick discussion of the indoctrination theory and instructions on how to achieve each possible ending. In order to get the absolute perfect ending and unlock the secret ending showing the survival of Commander Shepard, you must:.

UPDATE: It may be the case that in order to get the secret ending, you must play ME3 twice or have played ME2 and imported your character. I imported my character, so I got the perfect ending in my first playthrough. Effective Military Strength is the last number on the War Assets page. Effective Military Strength is the last number on the War Assets page see above photo. EMS is increased by collecting War Assets throughout the game by completing missions, side quests, and mining. There are more than enough points available to get the Perfect Ending in the game I did and so have many of my friends. Doing some multiplayer will help you quickly get the EMS required as well. The Galactic Readiness percentage acts as a modifier to your Effective Military Strength. The equation is:. The Galactic Readiness percentage can only be increased by playing multiplayer.

Playing multiplayer and building up your Galactic Readiness can double the effect of your Total Military Strength, but you can also achieve enough War Assets on your own tp make multiplayer unnecessary. This section of the article will help those players who cannot raise their EMS above because they cannot play multiplayer, are too far into the game and do not want to restart, or are lazy by editing their Effective Military Strength score. The entire process will take only about two minutes. Remember to back up your save just in case you mess up better safe than sorry. As a side note, you must have a program that can open zip files such as winrar or 7zip and this program will only work with PC Mass Effect 3 files.

Currently, there is much ongoing discussion as to the meaning of the ending of Mass Effect 3. A popular theory is that the ending scene after Shepard is hit by the Reaper's laser is actually an indoctrination attempt by the Reapers. Here is a video of the Synthesis Ending which compares Synthesis in Mass Effect 3 to Saren's attempts at Synthesis in Mass Effect 1. Note the rather large plot holes. The indoctrination theory has some compelling arguments, and in some ways explains a lot of the ways that the ending disappointed players. If you want to read further, check out this amazing blog post by Uninhibited and Unrepentant: The Case for Shepard's Indoctrination. Here is the part I especially like:. However, Saren's mistake was isolating himself and standing against the Council, thus making himself an enemy to the Council.

People thereafter fought him and resisted him. Eventually, Shepard defeated him. As Miranda said, Shepard is an icon. Which they did in the closing of ME3 , flying their vast fleets into the mouth of hell to fight and get Earth back. Because of this, Shepard was able to do the one thing that Saren failed to do; deliver the galaxy right to the Reapers. By being indoctrinated, Shepard has led everyone to their doom. Is it possible that this is an ending that is meant to scream, "This is not right, this could not have happened? Anyway, the discussion is still ongoing and Bioware hasn't made any official announcements yet. I will be sure to update this article as soon as they do I am an avid fan! This confirms both Commander Shepard's survival and supports Uninhibited and Unrepentant's argument.

Now you know exactly how to achieve the perfect ending, but what happens if you have a different EMS level or make a different choice at that pivotal moment? Here are all the possible endings you can have in ME3 according to EMS level and choice of "Destroy," "Control," or "Synthesis. The below chart assumes that you chose to destroy the base in Mass Effect 2. If you don't upload a save from ME2 , that is what the game will also assume. If, however, you chose to save the base in ME2 , you will need more EMS for each of these categories. Note: If you saved the base in "ME2," add points to each EMS in the above chart. If you are wondering what the other choices would have done, this is the Synthesis Ending to Mass Effect 3 , in which organic life merges with synthetic life.

This is the 'Control the Reapers' ending to Mass Effect 3 , in which Commander Shepard chooses to try to control the Reapers in the end of the game. Note that this is what the Illusive Man wanted all along. After reading this article, please consider the fact that I have written this quickly and tried to be as straightforward as possible. I have done this because there are very few materials online for those of us who purchased the game and finished it early. If you have any additional questions, please make a comment in the comment section below. I have completely finished the game twice all quests. I read all my comments and I will try to answer any questions you have!

Thanks for reading this article and I hope you have a better understanding of how to unlock the perfect and secret endings of the game and have gained a better understanding of the ongoing indoctrination theory behind the ending of Mass Effect 3. UPDATE: BioWare has released a new patch that has changed all the endings made them longer. All the information in this article is for pre-"enhanced endings. I believe if you do download them, you automatically get access to the three endings regardless of EMS, and each of the endings has the best outcome for that ending. you can get the perfect ending without playing multiplayer as long as you made the right choice during playthrough of ME and ME 2. So, to get the perfect ending, cheat. Misleading title, since at no point do you even mention in an offhanded way how to EARN the best ending.

You should have your genitals fed to birds while your entire family watches. Something that the little VI guy says in the final mission you are a synthetic too! or something with this concept. The superficial concept is that Shepard is rebuilt of synthetic parts and assembled with technological items thanks to the Cerberus Project. Mass effect Infiltrator completes the gaps of Cerberus identity, if you play it of course! plus Randal Ethno is ways more handsome than Shepard. But the deep meaning of the mentioned concept: Have a look at your hand or your feet, what do you see? All those wirings our vessels really look like wirings , skeletons, fluids and materials, we are machines! We are synthetics, Eastern philosophy proves this covertly, that we are programmed to feel, live and die Do you control your heartbeat or other main functions of your body?

So we do as we are programmed, like a machine which is limited to its predefined bounds but the final piece of the puzzle Eastern philosophy says that this body is just a sort of cage which contains a far bigger creature with superior desires like eternity! We know it as soul and it claims that the final purpose of this soul is not something like heaven crawling with nymphs and unlimited fill in the blank with your imagination of heaven. but its very purpose is to join with the superior creator although we may taint it with things known as sins mostly sins are actions related with overindulgence of bodily feelings like eating, sex etc. This is something that ME3 tried to imply but clearly lack of philosophical knowledge and comprehension made the ending unacceptable! Please in order to get the nearest picture to what I understood try to use the parameters I gave you.

IMHO Control and Synthesis are just a way for the Reapers to survive, these two choices are the Reapers' survival instinct, IMHO Synthesis is much more than just survival instinct and it deserves a separate arguing. Anyway if you choose Destruction means that their existence is put to an end. In some unknowable way Shepard isn't easy to indoctrinate, so they fear him. I am pretty confident that you remember well that everytime someone who is indoctrinated tries to choose something that is against the Reapers goals is harshly punished to keep a strict grip over the indoctrinated mind. The Catalyst let Shepard choose just because it cannot do otherwise, but it could offer more choices that don't mean the Reapers total annihilation, more it could try to make that these other choices are much more favorable than the one choice that put an end to their existence and it is just what it does.

Control is the perfect Renegade persuasion, this choice puts Shepard in control of the Reapers the most powerful beings machines of the entire galaxy, but to do so Shepard has to understand them, to think like them, it means making Shepard who has the right to determine the lives of every other being in the galaxy, a true dictatorship, perfect Renegade. There is also the choice to do nothing, to let the Reapers harvesting the entire galaxy, that means the total failure, but maybe it isn't the true goal of the Reapers. As I have already written this choice deserves a separate arguing.

It is the perfect Paragon choice. Shepard completly dies but his sacrifice spares the lives of everyone else, also to the Reapers. I am pretty confident that you remember well that a perfect Paragon would never kill if there is a way to avoid that, even when it is an enemy to being spared. IMHO this choice isn't just the perfect paragon choice is the true Reapers' goal. This choice is the only onw that puts a true end to the galactic cycle of harvesting and that is the true sacrifice of chaos toward the total order. No more true organic beings chaos in the galaxy forever. The catch of this choice is just that: no more chaos in the galaxy. No more unpredictable choices. No more indetermination. No more non-determinism. No more free choices. No more free will. No more freedom. Probably mentioned below, but there was an update that reduced the amount of EMS needed to have Shepard take a breath at the end of the Destroy option.

Get the Perfect Ending (Shepard Lives) in "Mass Effect 3",Description

Mass Effect 3 Save Files - Google Drive. Name. Files. Mass Effect Simply download and extract the archive and run mehemexe MEHEM v Installer Oct 16 MEHEM - The Mass Effect (3) Happy Ending Mod Full Version An installer for MEHEM v The installer automatically creates a backup of all your files and is also packed with an uninstaller which will restore MOAM v changelog  · You can download an ME2 save that's similar to your original save (in my case, a Paragon FemShep who romanced Garrus in 2) and edit it with an ME2 editor (had to change  · This is the last known version of the Gibbed Mass Effect 3 Save Editor (RB). This was my own personal edited copy. I spent countless hours going over the plot IDs from ME1 to ME3 correcting inaccuracies, adding new IDs from multiple sources, and added notes and useful configurations that I used most with playing on both console and PC  · Mass Effect™ 3 () for PC | Origin Finish the Fight Earth is burning. The Reapers have taken over and other civilizations are falling like dominoes. Lead the final fight to save humanity and take back Earth from these terrifying machines, Commander Shepard. You'll need backup for these battles. Read more Included with and Get the Game PLATFORM - Open Coalesced file using a Coalesced Editor (I used the first one OP listed) - Open - Open engine - Open playerinput - Open bindings - On the right side, create a new line and ... read more

If you played the leviathan dlc, it's states that the reapers have spent every cycle looking for a way to preserve life, to push the galaxy to save itself, but they can't find a way to do so, and they simply wipe the slate clean to start over, hopefully with different results. And would races still reproduce? So you get the EMS from inline at any point in the game as long as its not during the final battle? Consider using Gibbed's savegame editor to make the save you want. There is sort of a work around which, in theory, should work. Anyway if you choose Destruction means that their existence is put to an end. What about the Defiance ending?

Aug 21, So unless you know or have the signed key from Sony on those then you can't edit those files for Ps3. So much debate over which ending is right or wrong. Violate didn't "intend" for that scene to be shepard's last breath. Tech Support.

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